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Big Brother's Henry Reveals Feelings for Jordan Amid Love Triangle With Matty

Big Brother's Henry Reveals Feelings for Jordan Amid Love Triangle With Matty

Big Brother UK season 20

This season of Big Brother UK has been a queer love-fest!

Love for all!

This year, Big Brother UK made a comeback with its 20th season. From the start, this new cast proved itself to be the most diverse group in BBUK history, including trans contestant Hallie.

As the weeks went on, various other LGBTQ+ contestants talked about their sexual orientations. Namely, houseguests Jordan, Henry, and Matty all talked about identifying in the queer spectrum, and a showmance between Jordan and Henry started to come to the surface. Except, this not-so-straight line is now looking like more of a love triangle involving Matty.

On the Wednesday, November 1 episode of Big Brother UK season 20, Henry actually opens up about his feelings for Jordan, but also reveals his concern that “something strange is happening” between Jordan and Matty (via Attitude).

In a conversation with Trish, Henry reveals that he and Jordan have “kissed like four or five times” in the house. He adds:

“It was playing with my emotions a bit the last couple of days. I think I want a bit of clarity. (…) I haven’t felt this emotion before and it’s just been a bit stressful. My head’s a bit all over the place.”

During a Diary Room confessional, Henry also brings up that there’s some connection going on between Jordan and Matty. “I guess on a really selfish level, I feel like I’m almost losing Jordan a bit as he’s drifting away. It’s really difficult to explain because I’ve never really felt this before,” he explains.

While these connections had been perceived as mostly friendships so far, it’s clear that Henry and Jordan struck up a sort of showmance already. Alas, Matty is now slowly entering the picture and turning things into a bit of a mess.

Drama aside, we are living for all these queer love connections in a season of Big Brother!

Big Brother UK season 20 is currently airing on ITV in the United Kingdom.

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Bernardo Sim

Bernardo Sim is a writer, content creator, and the deputy editor of Out. Born in Brazil, he currently lives in South Florida.

Bernardo Sim is a writer, content creator, and the deputy editor of Out. Born in Brazil, he currently lives in South Florida.