X (@TrinityTheTuck)
Trinity The Tuck is here to set the record straight!
In Mar. 2022, Trinity came out as trans and nonbinary in a since-deleted post on X (formerly Twitter). She wrote:
“Years ago, after starting drag, I seriously questioned how I identified with my gender. That’s why I altered my body starting at the age of 21 to look more feminine and also started hormone therapy for a short period. I stopped because I personally don’t know that I would be comfortable living as female with the way I’d physically look. Everyone has their own journey I suppose.”
They continued, “I’ve [spoken] with many of my friends who are trans to get their thoughts and insight over the years. I still don't know where my journey will take me, but I am trans-NB. I wanted to share my feelings in hopes that others who felt like me would know they aren’t alone. Sending out love! I hope it finds you.”
Nearly two years later, on Sunday, Jan. 21, the RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 4 co-winner shared a series of Instagram stories about her gender identity as a result of so many fans asking her questions and being confused about where she stands.

Instagram (@trinitythetuck)
Trinity started this series on Instagram stories writing:
“I’ve been getting comments here and there about ‘wait, I thought they came out as trans’ on my out-of-drag photos I post. I want to [clarify] again. I’ve NEVER claimed to be a trans woman. I’ve never lived those struggles. I wouldn’t claim that unless my transition [was] furthered. I am trans nonbinary.”

Instagram (@trinitythetuck)
“I have struggled [for a long] time with how I look, how I feel and the path I intend to take,” she continued. “I’m near 40 and though it’s never too late to live your life how you feel/want, me personally, I have fears of fully transitioning at this age. I’ve done tons of research and talked to many friends but I still don’t know where this journey will end up.”

Instagram (@trinitythetuck)
Trinity added, “Stop posting on people’s pages stuff like ‘I thought you came out as trans.’ That’s hurtful and very rude. What [is] any form of transness supposed to look like? Not [every] trans person (binary or non) gets work done. Not every trans person (binary or not) look what you think of like the beautiful Kylie Love.”

Instagram (@trinitythetuck)
“I have major body dysmorphia as well as gender dysphoria,” Trinity wrote in their final Instagram story about the issue. “I have to admit I worry what I would look like if I had even more surgery to look how I would want to look if I lived fully as female. I still don’t know where this journey will take me but it’s mine to go through. Please stop commenting on how I currently look as far as asking over and over about transitioning [heart emoji].”
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