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I Went Behind the Scenes of the Cock Destroyers' Gay Porn

I Went Behind the Scenes of the Cock Destroyers' Gay Porn

Out’s Rose Dommu joined’s period porn and interviewed stars Rebecca More and Sophie Anderson.

Early this summer, I received the single most important email of my life. The subject line read: "ROSE DOMMU X COCK DESTROYERS." I hurled my phone across the room, which in retrospect was counterproductive, but you get it.

I'd been following British porn stars Rebecca More and Sophie Anderson ever since their gang bang promo video went viral, turning them into massive digital gay icons. In the year since, they've been used as countless memes, made appearances at gay nightclubs across Europe, dabbled with pop stardom, and entered the fashion business. And now, as I learned, they were venturing into new territory, finally starring in a gay porn. had cast them -- as actresses -- in a new porn film and they wanted to fly me to the U.K. to interview Rebecca and Sophie on set.

They also wanted me to be in the porn. "Are you ok with this being on your IMDB page," I was asked. "Well," I answered, "will I be SAG eligible?"

A few months, one location change, and probably a lot of lube later, I was headed to the English countryside -- well, the suburbs -- to a quaint manor estate that would serve as the set for A Tale of Two Cock Destroyers. Sophie and Rebecca would play rival brothel madams fighting for control over a stable of gay prostitutes. The vibe was The Favourite, but with more anal.

When I arrived to set, the girls were already there (the professionalism!) As we sat in hair and makeup, we chatted about how excited they were, what an honor this was for them. The ladies were dolled up like 18th century courtesans, while I looked more like the "Oy, Mista! You Me Dad?" doll. Have you ever worn a corset? It's...not fun.

The entire day was magical. Sophie and Rebecca were kind, sweet, and hard-working. Sophie in particular blew us all away with her performance -- I smell an EGOT -- and Rebecca was game for literally anything, running up and down narrow Victorian stairs in 6-inch heels -- not exactly period, but fierce. And there were twinks everywhere! Once Upon a Time in Hollywood may have Oscar buzz, but did it have Ty Mitchell, or co-stars JJ Knight, Johnny Rapid, Joey Mills, Leander, and Jonas Jackson? Flop.

Between takes, I was able to sit down with Rebecca and Sophie and chat about why they think queer people love them so much, what it's like to become a meme, and how to unleash your inner Cock Destroyer. "Cock destroying is, you know, hard-core cock destroying," says More, "but it's a state of mind, absolutely owning it. When you walk in the roo, just know that you're gonna get what you want."

Am I now officially the third Cock Destroyer? Honey, check my IMDB.

A Tale of Two Cock Destroyers is out October 18.

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Rose Dommu