The Folsom Street Fair, which began in 1984, was started to call attention to gentrification in San Francisco and raise money for AIDS charities but became one of the world's most notorious annual bacchanals. The documentary from director Mike Skiff, titled Folsom Forever, tells the story of how this small street fair grew into the biggest outdoor kink and fetish event in the world, and managed to do a lot of good along the way.
In this exclusive clip from the doc, we witness many of the unconventional outfits and participants, as well as openly gay California State Senator Mark Leno who welcomes those in attendance who are as "beautiful and imaginative and creative and good for the city's finances as you can imagine."
Breaking Glass released the film on DVD and VOD June 9. Watch the clip below:
Beware of the Straightors: 'The Traitors' bros vs. the women and gays