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The Drag Race GIF-Cap Extravaganza: 'Hello Kitty Girl'

The Drag Race GIF-Cap Extravaganza: 'Hello Kitty Girl'

hello kitty girl

Single Kitties, or, Puppet Ring on It

You Betta Workroom

It was a busy workroom this week with several surprise guests and an old stunt I've been waiting for all season. First, we saw the return of the puppet mini-challenge and with it a number of penetration jokes....

stick in the hole

And shady vantriloquism.

ginger puppet

Ginger took top marks then bottomed out when vintage Drag Race judge Santino Rice showed up.

basement flood

Rice was there to offer his couture counsel while Tim Gunning for a spot back on Project Runway.


But Santino's return was overshadowed by Japan's greatest export, Hello Kitty.

oh hi kitty

At first the queens think they just have to come up with Hello Kitty haute couture, which some queens were already stressing. But then Ru reminded them how real the struggle is with the help of the Pit Crew.

kitty crew

Now in addition to their runway looks, they gotta pull out a new character to be Hello Kitty's BFF.

The RuVeal

ruveal 2

Hara-Ruku gurl tease. This hair, though, is not just the house but the entire mansion.

ruveal 2

There's a pool in the back, fancy a dip?

Oh Hai, Hello

oh hi, hello

Hello Kitty was not fucking around on this runway though her look almost got her fucked up by Ru backstage.


The schtick, much like Ru's wig collection, is endless.

The Pussy Party

pussy party

Guest judge Rebecca Romijn-Stamos came ready with her library card and reading shades. Meanwhile, Michelle Visage continued to teach the children not only how to pass as a woman, but a lady.

michelle lip sync

And Santino returned to the dais along with his greatest contribution to the show.

steal the rice

Ah, I've missed that catchphrase so. But now, down to brasstacks. Despite the last minute shenanigans Ru pulled earlier in the workroom, everyone pulled through with their Hello Kitty BFFs.

Violet was the least offensive and therefore the most boring.

violet kitty

Ginger brought all the boys to the barnyard.

ginger kitty

Kennedy fried chicken.

kennedy kitty

Katya went back to the Ru.S.S.R.

katya kitty

While Pearl was the cat's meow as the most ratchet pussy on the block.

pearl kitty

The Runway

kennedy runway

Judge Jury and Executioner Romijn brought down the ax on Lady Davenport's lacefront.


Ginger continued to coast in the design challenges.

ginger runway

Pearl managed to bitchcraft a fleece blanket into a Chanel dress Uncle Karl will be knocking off next season.

pearl runway

Katya tried it with a futuristic housewife whore vibe that missed a few of its many drunken marks

katya runway

Meanwhile, Miss Chachki's references were on point.

violet runway

And she left all the other queens in her fairy dust.

violet win

Snatching yet another victory in her catwalk to the top three.

Shadiest Moment

Though Violet's sickening runway had me under the weather and over the rainbow, Pearl was the true MVP and let the other queens know it by opening then throwing the book at their looks.

pearl read

The Gabor sisters approved.


Life-Saving Lip Sync Moment


I mean, you knew it was over when Kennedy stretched out the thighs, but Katya was not going to sashay softly into that good night.

katya split

For a second, I thought I had unlocked two of the newest characters from Mortal Kombat X, what with all the splits and catsuits flying through the air.


But once Kennedy did this -- it was do svidaniya, Katya.

katya bye

I had her pegged for the top three but the competition is really heating up. I'd call Violet's win right now, but she's not quite likeable enough to be America's Next Drag Superstar. Still, throw some lat game exposition with a touching backstory our way and who knows?

Les Fabian Brathwaite -- Faster Kitty Kat, Kill Kill!

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