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Spanish Police Couple Marry in Full Uniform

Spanish Police Couple Marry in Full Uniform


It's a first for Spain, and the public are loving it!

Spain was one of the first countries to legalize marriage equality, all the way back in 2005. Societal acceptance is high, and Madrid Pride is regulalry one of the largest in Europe. That doesn't mean, however, that there aren't still stigmas to break, which is what makes the public wedding of two Catalan police officers, Chema and Jonathan, so important--not to mention beautiful.

Speaking with Spanish radio station Canal Sur, Chema said they have many gay friends on the police force, adding:

"If it helps someone who is being bullied in school for their sexual orientation to see it as something normal, then that's great."

"It's not something that should be hidden just because you belong to a particular institution."

Look at the additional photos below:

Congrats to a happy, beautiful couple!

[H/T Gay Star News]

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