Can you recall the color of your dad's eyes? A new study by the University of Glasgow suggests that this color could determine the type of man you are attracted to.
The study, called "Positive Sexual Imprinting For Human Eye Color," revealed that gay men are twice as likely to be attracted to a guy with the same eye color as their old man. While the study may seem impossible to substantiate, the Scottish scientists used the sexual imprinting theory to obtain results as accurate as possible.
The theory posits that humans pick physical characteristics in their mates that share commonalities with their parents.
To prove its validity, more than 300 subjects (both men and women) were surveyed. The university scientists asked the participants to name the eye color of their parents and, subsequently, their partners.
Indicating the theory's validity for both male and female sexes, the data obtained suggests a trend between the eye color of your same-sex partner and the eye color of the parent of that same sex. Essentially, queer men will be more attracted to men sharing their dad's eye color, while queer women will be more attracted to women sharing their mother's eye color.
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