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Drag Race's Farrah Moan accuses Trinity The Tuck of transphobic remarks

Drag Race's Farrah Moan accuses Trinity The Tuck of transphobic remarks

Farrah Moan; Trinity The Tuck
VH1; Paramount+

Farrah Moan also declared that she believes Trinity The Tuck was running the infamous Reddit account named SheDevilByNight.


Editor's note: This story has been updated to include responses from Trinity The Tuck and Farrah Moan.

Having competed twice together — on RuPaul's Drag Race season 9 and RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars 4 — Farrah Moan and Trinity The Tuck have been linked together within reality TV for many years now.

While fans observed certain negative comments that had been exchanged between Trinity and Farrah in the past (during podcast appearances or in social media posts), there was never any clarity on why the two Drag Race stars were no longer associated with each other. In recent years, Farrah came out as a trans woman, whereas Trinity competed in the legendary all-winners season of All Stars 7.

On Thursday, June 27, Farrah shared a series of posts on X (formerly Twitter) where she accused Trinity of making transphobic remarks. Out reached out to both Trinity and Farrah for comment.

Trinity wrote in a statement to Out:

"The claims that Farrah have made are grossly embellished. I have never and would never say those things about a trans man. Farrah's obviously in her feelings about my statements in the podcast she brought up and she is clearly lashing out. I might talk more about the night she mentions in a future podcast. Stay tuned."

In response to Out, Farrah showed photographic evidence that this encounter with Trinity took place on May 21, 2017. She also wrote in a statement:

"I'm doing really well! I've stepped away from socials a bit the last few months as I've been focusing all my energy on my healing. I'm in therapy 2 to 3 times a week, walking 10k steps a day, journaling daily, and staying in my own lane, and I'd appreciate it if Trinity kept my name out of her mouth and minded her own business."

Farrah originally wrote in a series of X posts:

"Hi twitter! Since a certain trailer trash demon can't stop bringing me up in whatever platforms ppl are still giving her for some reason, when I've done nothing but stay in my own lane, I would like to tell you all a little story!

"Once upon a summer I had a beautiful romance with a Trans Man in San [Francisco]. On one of my trips to visit him, my season 9 sister Trinity the botched, happened to be in town performing at one of the clubs. We were still friends at this time so l hit her up to meet us for dinner."

\u200bFarrah Moan on X

X (@farrahrized)

Farrah continued:

"Now clearly Trinity could not tell that my date was trans, because not even 5 minutes into us sitting down, Trinity decides to go on a rant saying, 'Can y'all believe there's men with VAGINAS? That is absolutely so disgusting to me, how could anyone be into a man with a p*ssy.'

"Me and my date INSTANTLY froze and looked at each other. I was absolutely MORTIFIED, and I could tell his heart literally shattered. I felt this overwhelming guilt that I just brought him into the most uncomfortable situation. I interrupted her & said 'Trinity, you need to stop'…"

\u200bFarrah Moan on X

X (@farrahrized)

"…'my date here is trans.' My date was trying really hard to keep his cool, but he was having a visceral reaction. She immediately backpedaled, started saying things like, 'Oh wait but l'd never be able to tell!! You look just like a real man,' which started making it WORSE. To this day I have never had a more uncomfortable interaction with a person.

"The rest of the dinner was so awkward, and she kept on profusely apologizing. I [mistakenly] gave her the benefit of the doubt, schooled her on some things, and tried to maintain a friendship with her as she's a…"

\u200bFarrah Moan on X

X (@farrahrized)

"… fellow season 9 girl, and probably just hadn't been exposed to the masculine side of transness and why those things she said were mortifying. However, in 2019 and 2020, when I was facing my trans identity privately, every time she said something transphobic on twitter or online, it chipped and chipped away at my patience with her and the ways in which she was using her prestigious platform.

"My breaking point was in 2020, when she freshly won an All Stars season, we're in a deadly pandemic, and she tweets about how essential her job is and she shouldn't get in…"

\u200bFarrah Moan on X

X (@farrahrized)

"…trouble for congregating huge crowds before we even HAD A VACCINE. I've been blocked ever since. She's made no effort to make amends or reach out. But she CLEARLY still can't stand that I had the nerve to speak up to her almost 4 YEARS AGO.

"Because of the extensive time I've spent with her in hundreds of shows, the behavior I've observed for years, etc, is why I will never be convinced she wasn't [Reddit user] SheDevilByNight. That profile typed like her and everything. She is quite literally an awful person, an awful role model, but hey — she's GREAT at drag."

Farrah Moan on X

X (@farrahrized)

A few hours after her first string of messages, Farrah shared new X posts addressing why she's now chosen to bring these allegations to light.

"Alright now let's address why my name got brought up. Trinity said 'I started drama for no reason.' These are said tweets. I addressed her with respect, trying to explain why what she was saying wasn't cool, at a time a lot of us were mourning Covid deaths."

Attached to that X post were exchanges between Trinity and Farrah from January 2021 debating whether or not drag performers should be performing live during lockdown in order to earn money for themselves and those venues at the time.

Farrah Moan on X

X (@farrahrized)

"She then claims that she invited me over to stay with her and extended her hand to me in anyway is quite literally insane? She never has ever invited me to her home? Never been in her home; yes I was in a bad mental state as my therapist had been murdered and my grandma died.

"And countless friends l'd made in my travels throughout the years were dropping like flies from Covid, but Trinity NEVER offered to be there for me in any way. I'm so confused why she made this."

Farrah Moan on X

X (@farrahrized)

"THEN she goes on to tell an EXTREMELY vague story about our altercation on the Murray & Peter tour. Trinity wanted us to all go on stage for the curtain call IN OUR UNDERGARMENTS. I expressed I was uncomfortable with that, she got mad and screamed at me.

"Everyone else had proper drag undergarments at the time, pads, corsets, spanks, etc., but I was the only one that only used duct tape and a home made tucking panty. I felt uncomfortable being told by HER, that I HAD to go on stage for my curtain call basically butt naked."

Farrah Moan on X

X (@farrahrized)

​"She brought it up on one of the biggest drag related podcasts on the planet, and has me blocked on everything including my phone number, so no. This is gonna be addressed publicly, and I don't care what you or anyone thinks about how I choose to handle this."

Farrah Moan on X

X (@farrahrized)

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Bernardo Sim

Bernardo Sim is the deputy editor of Out, as well as a writer and content creator. Born in Brazil, he currently lives in South Florida. You can follow him on Instagram at @bernardosim.

Bernardo Sim is the deputy editor of Out, as well as a writer and content creator. Born in Brazil, he currently lives in South Florida. You can follow him on Instagram at @bernardosim.