The old adage that "sex sells" will never go out of style, but these days brands are thinking outside of the sexy box. Case in point, Axe, whose latest ad reimagines what it means to be a man.
According to the ad's description, just doing you is enough:
Who needs a six pack when you have your own thing? No must-have, must-be, fashion norms or body standards. The most attractive man you can be is yourself. So find what makes you, you. Then work on it.
"Masculinity today is going through seismic changes," Matthew McCarthy, senior director of Axe & Men's Grooming, said in a statement. "More than ever, guys are rejecting rigid male stereotypes. We've been part of guys' lives for decades, and Axe champions real guys and the unique traits that make them attractive to the world around them."
Among the real and unique guys are these cute gay nerds:
This bearded kitten lover who makes me want to be a better man:
And some queens deathdropping for their lives:
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Finally!--a world in which a fringe heel and a drop earring are equated with masculinity. Check out the refreshing ad below:
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