With a stellium of planets in Libra, Ben's sun sign rules his chart with a very strong energy. Ben probably feels very at home here. Ben is likely a true champion of those who may be vulnerable or defenseless. The element of air is so powerful in Ben's chart, showing us that Ben possesses a strong leadership quality. Ben is likely very quick-witted and expressive in his communication style. Ben's sun is in the 10th house of public image and ambition, showing he also feels right at home on stage. He finds himself while performing. It is important to note that Ben's Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter all fall in the 11th house of community, which accentuates his need for community, like a theater. Ben should take care not to lose himself in others and would benefit from practicing extra self-care so that he does not burn himself out.
Ben's Capricorn moon may be the secret to his success! Ben's moon lies in the 2nd house of value, material resources, and self-worth. This powerful placement shows us that Ben came to this life from a past life where he had a great deal of authority, power, and money. This power and authority from his past life probably fuel equality endeavors in this life. Ben is likely to be involved in social justice causes as a philanthropist. Ben's earth element moon seems to balance out his airy Libra energy and gives him a great deal of confidence. Ben's Pluto is sextile to his moon on his ascendant, bringing his ability to make money in a past life into this life.

Ben is a Scorpio rising, which makes for a fascinating air, earth, and water combination. This sign on the ascendant indicates a dynamic personality; it may border on emotional extremes. Ben may draw people into him magnetically through his dark and innocent eyes, which radiate his Scorpio intensity in everything he does.
Ben's North Node, or True Node, is the purpose of his soul in this lifetime. When you see the North Node in the first house, you know this soul is on a personal quest of self-discovery in this lifetime. In a past life with his South Node in Gemini, Ben learned who he was through relationships, especially romantic partnerships. Using others as a mirror to see his true self, he saw himself. In this life, however, there is no mirror to hold up against others. Ben must learn who he is through a vision quest. Solo trips and lots of "me time" will be important.
Venus in Virgo can be a tricky placement and can involve a great deal of self-development throughout a lifetime. Venus in Virgos can go one of two ways in their search for the perfect partner(s): going from partner to partner, or waiting a very long time until the right partner(s) comes around. Once Ben is with the right partner, he is likely to be humble, ready to serve, and willing to put the work in.
Jupiter is wild in Ben's chart these days, indicating big changes and expansion in his life! For the next six months, Ben's Jupiter is conjunct with Saturn, the planet of boundaries. Ben will begin to test his own personal boundaries as in a test of faith. He may feel the need to break free completely, but this isn't the answer. Ben will need to find his own personal boundaries, where they bend, where they break, where to draw them, and where to use them for personal growth.
Cary Chandler is a queer bisexual astrologer and witch. Follow Cary on Instagram, @themoonis_out.
This story is part of Out's 2021 Design issue, which is out on newsstands October 5, 2021. To get your own copy directly, support queer media and subscribe -- or download yours for Amazon, Kindle, Nook, or Apple News.
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