Despite the fact that Walking Dead's Daryl Dixon turned out to be straight, Norman Reedus (who plays the show's top badass), says he would have been cool with it if Dixon turned out to be gay.
"To tell you the truth, if that's the story they gave me, I'd rock that story. I'm not afraid," Reedus told Conan O'Brien last night, garnering hollers of approval from the audience. He also discussed his well-known love of licking people.
Reedus also talked about how fans reacted once rumors of Daryl's queerness began circulating.
"I would go to these conventions, and you'd have these little kids -- 'Man, I don't care what's going on, you're awesome!' And then you'd have guys my age, or a bit older be like, 'Uuuhhhhhhh.' And then you'd have women, they were like, 'You'd better not be!'"
Well, at least we have gay kisses on the show. For now.