In a gross misuse of taxpayer dollars, Hollywood Florida Police officers raided an adult store on July 26. As expected, they discovered 11 men masturbating inside. An additional two men were having consensual oral sex inside of the private building.
The unnecessary sting arrested all 13 men. Those masturbating were charged with "public exposure of consensual organs" and those engaging in fellatio with "unnatural and lascivious acts."
If the seemingly targeted attack on gay/bi men wasn't infuriating enough, numerous local magazines, including the Miami Herald, posted the names and mugshots of the thirteen men, despite the fact that the men were not yet proven guilty in court and were all charged with misdemeanors.
There is no reason why outlets would choose to publish the names and photos of these men except for pageviews. In doing so, they publicly shamed -- and potentially outed -- men who were engaging in consensual sexual activity in a private establishment.