Orlando Health and Florida Hospital will write off millions in health care costs for Pulse shooting victims and survivors.
Orlando Health President and CEO David Strong thanked several charitable organizations in the aftermath of the deadliest single-person shooting in U.S. history for their financial contributions and volunteer hours. "This is simply our way of paying that kindness forward," he said.
Local hospitals, including Orlando Regional Medical Center, will absorb more than $5.5 million in health care costs not covered by the victims' insurance plans or for uninsured victims. The Orlando Sentinel interviewed uninsured survivor Mario Lopez, whose seven-hour stay in the hospital would have cost him $20,000.
Now, Lopez and other survivors are free from a potentially debilitating financial strain and can focus on recovery.
In June, Omar Mateen opened fire on clubgoers at the Pulse nightclub, an LGBT late-night venue in downtown Orlando. Forty-nine LGBTs and allies died in the attack, and 53 more were injured.