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Out Astrology: Famous Pisces Who Serve Fish

Out Astrology: Famous Pisces Who Serve Fish

Out Astrology: Famous Pisces Who Serve Fish
Stefan Piscitelli/Shutterstock

Pisces season is totally underway!

With Pisces season underway (February 19 to March 20), those who claim this sign as their birthright get to shine bright like a diamond — like Rihanna, whose birthday is February 20.

Who else but this island queen would turn her own womb into the inspiration for her Super Bowl halftime performance, dressed as an egg and surrounded by dancing spermatazoa? That is fiercely fishy!

Pisces are passionate people, highly creative, and often musically inclined. They also tend to be sexually mischievous, and sometimes not privately so.

Think of Bad Bunny (March 10) commanding his audiences by going commando and kissing male dancers or former Out cover boy Adam Levine’s (March 18) IG sexting saga. Even Justin Bieber (March 1) has a sex tape and bares his butt now and again.

Not all Pisces are so hot to trot, however. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, so some are more focused on helping others succeed. Queen Latifah (March 18) called for "U.N.I.T.Y." and officiated 33 weddings while performing “Same Love” at the Grammys. Tapping into deep feelings with a universal cause is one of Pisces’ many gifts.

Some Pisces are just downright zany, like Schitt’s Creek star Catherine O’Hara (March 4), who recently praised the show for its commitment to queer representation. Then there’s Rebel Wilson (March 2) who uses her inherent weirdness to make people laugh and who just got engaged to her girlfriend Ramona Wilson.

All in all, Pisces people are here to make people feel something. Whether that’s big feelings or something sexier is up to each of them.

When reading personal horoscopes, read your Sun sign for the “big picture” and your rising sign for “where the work is.”

ARIES / ARIES RISING (March 21 – April 19)

Mars square Sun

You love a healthy challenge, but maybe challenge yourself to compromise instead. Friction between Mars and the Sun might lead to an outburst if left unchecked. If tension persists, find release in the most enjoyable manner.

TAURUS / TAURUS RISING (April 20 – May 20)

Venus conjunct Jupiter

Forget about working hard this week — as if you were planning on it, anyway. Venus and Jupiter cover you with their cosmic honey. Meanwhile, your adoring fans are eager to enjoy every last drop.

GEMINI / GEMINI RISING (May 21 – June 20)

Mercury conjunct Saturn

Mercury is breaking up with Saturn, portending a liberation from the oppressive forces in your head. Find an activity that frees your mind but keeps your hands busy. You know what I’m talking bout.

CANCER / CANCER RISING (June 21 – July 22)

With the Moon moving through Gemini and then Cancer, you might find yourself shifting from social to local. Hunker down at home for the week or break out of your shell. The choice is always yours no matter what the stars suggest.

LEO / LEO RISING (July 23 – Aug. 22)

Mars square Sun

The potential for conflict is close at hand when Mars and the Sun square off. While asserting yourself is usually sexy, this week it can be downright scary. Learn to compromise… even if it means taking on a new role in bed.

VIRGO / VIRGO RISING (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Mercury conjunct Saturn

Free yourself from a negative narrative this week. Mercury is moving on from Saturn, letting some light back into your mind. Make it lighter by lending a helping hand to others, so to speak.

LIBRA / LIBRA RISING (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Venus conjunct Jupiter

You’re feeling a little lighter in the loafers this week, lifted by Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction. Take those pennies and spend some karma coin on things that bring you joy. You’re beautiful, babe, and you know it.

SCORPIO / SCORPIO RISING (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

Mars square Sun

Don’t be challenging — challenge yourself instead. With Mars squaring off with the Sun, there’s a lot of power to be derived from foregoing the mundane for higher aspirations. Be best, as they say.


Venus conjunct Jupiter

You’re feeling warm and fuzzy this week, thanks to Venus and Jupiter. Lavish good things upon yourself, like money, love, or how about both? Forget about hard work. You’re all play.


Mercury conjunct Saturn

You may find yourself waffling between manic and relieved now that Mercury and Saturn are moving on from each other. Find something fun to focus on to help shake free from their shackles.


Mercury conjunct Saturn

Move on from any ruts in which you’ve been stuck, thanks to Mercury’s tryst with Saturn. Try not to put the cart before the horse, however. Ease into it by finding fun ways to free your mind.

PISCES / PISCES RISING (Feb. 19 – March 20)

Venus conjunct Jupiter

Don’t miss out on the good vibes that abound this week thanks to Venus and Jupiter. Feel your way forward and you can’t go wrong. Dare to dabble in something superficial, even.

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Stefan Piscitelli