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Out Astrology: April's Full Moon in Libra Showers You In Pink

Out Astrology: April's Full Moon in Libra Showers You In Pink

Out Astrology: April's Full Moon in Libra Showers You In Pink
Stefan Piscitelli

We're punch drunk and blushing in our blossoms.

Full disclosure: This writer is a Libra and is unabashedly biased about it. Eat your hearts out.

The Moon is full in lovely Libra this week. Full Moons are periods in which we reap what we’ve sown. Reaping isn’t always about uprooting, however. Sometimes it’s as gentle as spring’s early blossoms toppling from their breezy boweries. It's pretty and that's just nice enough as is.

Libra is a sign of balance and relationship, meaning the Full Moon’s spotlight will be on your interpersonal agreements. Ruling the 7th House of Collaboration, Libra may have you curing or cultivating your most precious connections. You may also cut a few cords of co-dependency while you’re at it.

This Libra moon also serves as a counterweight to the Aries Sun. Libra and Aries share the same axis and their energies are always seeking compromise. Aries, being the less diplomatic of the two signs, prefers to literally tackle whatever is in its way. Libra, on the other hand, prefers to talk, being more interested in the power of harmony rather than brute strength — unless your Libra is a bottom, of course. (In that case, brute away!)

The impulsion of Aries coupled with Libra’s propensity for connection could have us punch drunk on love, spring, and the birds and bees. However, Libra's drive for equilibrium will infuse a sense of moderation into your day-to-day.

The “pink moon” is a North American reference to the rush of pink moss that spreads this time of year. It’s a season of growth and connection, so while you may be ready to run ahead full steam, take a moment of pause. There is a certain graciousness in the deliberate, delicate extension of oneself toward others. Trust there will be plenty of time for brash decision-making another day.

Let yourself trust in the stoically silent processes of balance of this mysterious universe. Seeing everything a point of balance will lend itself to a broadening of your perspectives and a taming of opinions.

When reading personal horoscopes, read your Sun sign for the “big picture” and your rising sign for “where the work is.”


March 21 – April 19

Relationships are highlighted this week, Aries. Don’t just ram yourself into the objects of your affection. Explore a more diplomatic thrust.


April 20 – May 20

Finding your groove is great but make time, too, for a more satisfying work-life balance. Dreams don’t come by direct deposit.


May 21 – June 20

You’re nearly bursting this week, Gemini, so feel free to express yourself and get playful. Whether it’s sex or creativity, zest liberally.


June 21 – July 22

You’ve been working hard, Cancer. Take time to stop and smell the roses… without needing to grind them down into something marketable.


July 23 – Aug. 22

You’ve been expanding so much, Leo, you’re nearly bursting. Don’t be embarrassed if you’re a chatty lover. Not all talk is dirty.


Aug. 23 – Sept. 22

Give yourself over to absolute pleasure this week, Virgo. Splurge, treat, and enjoy. Indulgence can be a healthy outlet in such a material world.


Sept. 23 – Oct. 22

Your innate power is at its peak this week with the Moon so pink in your sign. You have complete license to be your most authentic self. Follow your heart.


Oct. 23 – Nov. 21

Find time to connect to your inner mystic, Scorpio. An abundance of stimulation and stress is easily cured by restoration and healing. Relax for peace.


Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

Bring some harmony to your party, Sag. While you enjoy a good pot to stir, you are also equipped with the tools to mediate. Don’t fan the flames.


Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

You’re often right but, this week, try not to be so obvious about it. Diplomacy works in your favor. Would you choose honey or vinegar?


Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

You’re pretty good at painting a picture of the trees but maybe take a step back and see the forest. Let things grow on their own. Trust.


Feb. 19 – March 20

Mind your boundaries, Pisces. While you may be living in a world of fantasy, things are still happening in reality. Keep one foot in it for balance.

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Stefan Piscitelli