Instead of a ho-hum Christmas card, British ad agency Mother London created seven limited-edition, hand-painted sets of Russian nesting dolls featuring artist renderings of five gay Brits to send to the Kremlin and Russian Embassy in London this year. According to sources, the agency intends to send them as "a gesture of solidarity with the gay community in Russia because it passed a law banning gay "propaganda" this year.
The matryoskha Russian dolls feature Elton John, Stephen Fry, George Michael, and Graham Norton. A tiny Tom Daley, the Olympic diver who recently came out publicly, will be nestled inside. The agency's creative tagline: "This Christmas, Mother is sending something To Russia With Love."
Want these cute collectibles for yourself? The other editions will be auctioned online Dec. 13-22 and proceeds will benefit The Kaleidoscope Trust and its work with the Russian gay community. The first edition, signed by Sir Elton John, can be big on today at