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At Least 17 Drag Queens Have Made Cooking Videos


The Advocate has compiled a deliciously dragtastic list of SUCH a good idea

We gratefully tip our hats to the folks at our sister publication, The Advocate, for creating this amazing collection of videos. We wouldn't have dared hope for such a thing, and here it was sitting under our noses (and yes, today is kicking off as an especially drag-tastic day):

"Apparently Top Chef's Arnold Myint (who owns three eateries in Nashville) is a sometime drag performer who used to be a competitive ice skater. But we couldn't find a video of him cooking in drag. And Juanita More is a well known San Francisco drag queen foodie blogger who cooked up a pop-up dinner for eight, but apparently there were no cameras around."

Check out the rest at the Advocate, and Pandora Boxx cooking a Pumpkin Pie Flan (mmm!):

The Advocates with Sonia BaghdadyOut / Advocate Magazine - Jonathan Groff and Wayne Brady

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