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Grindr Hacked: 100,000 Users' Profiles Compromised


Wait, so all those photos you've been swapping are up for grabs?

As if the somewhat racist, anti-Asian profiles weren't troubling enough, online dating--of the interaction by proxy variety--just became dicier.

Today, the Sydney Morning Heraldreports that over 100,000 Grindr profiles have been hacked.

Not to be all conspiratorial and high-minded and whatnot, but just a friendly reminder: If you click "agree" to the terms of a website or app that takes personal information from you, it is theirs to do with what they like, and you are guaranteed the minimum amount of privacy. (Not that we haven't sent a picture or two to a random stranger who told us we were "hansome" on Grindr. But whatever, misspellings are endearing!)

But what does "hacking" on Grindr mean for you? And just how concerned should you be?

A little, with special regard to photos. According to the Herald, hackers utilized a since-closed website that displayed "users' Grindr pseudonyms, passwords, their personal favorites (bookmarked friends) and allowed them to be impersonated." Here's the full list of what a hacker can do with a profile:

- Log in as any user
- See the user's favorites
- Change their profile information and profile picture
- Talk to others as the user
- Access pictures sent to the user
- Impersonate a user's "favorite" and talk to them as a friend

"We are certainly aware of a lot of these vulnerabilities," said Grindr founder Joel Simkhai. "They will be fixed as fast as humanly possible."

According to Simkhai, users should look out for security update within the next few days. But in the meantime, let's all go easy on the pics.

Update: CEO Joel Simkhai has released an official statement:

"Like other responsible companies, we don't comment on specifics of security enhancements or allegations about network issues - that wouldn't serve the security of our users, our networks, or web security in general. As a result of Grindr's ongoing investigation, we took legal and technological actions to block a site that violated our terms of service. This site impacted a small number of primarily Australian Grindr users and it remains shut down. Blendr users were not affected by this.

We continuously make improvements to our platform to increase security across our networks. We are releasing a mandatory update to our apps over the next few days to enhance security. When the update is available, users will be notified via in-app messaging, on Twitter and on the Grindr blog. Our users can be assured that Grindr does not retain chat history, credit card information, or addresses--and no such information was ever compromised."

Photo: Grindr

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