News & Opinion
Bret Easton Ellis To Bullied Kids: Get Over It

"Man Up," says the author of 'American Psycho.'
December 05 2011 3:18 PM EST
February 05 2015 9:27 PM EST
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Bret Easton Ellis is not one to shy away from controversy--in fact his career has thrived on it. So much so that his 1991 novel American Psycho had scenes of rape, torture, and brutal killings described in meticulous detail over the course of many, many stomach-wretching pages. Of late, the writer and provocateur has compacted his messages and taken them virtual via Twitter.
While his books and acerbic, seething online missives can be alternately amusing and eyebrow-raising, last night he took to the airwaves to write this: "When I was bullied: you manned-up. You learned something. You realized: I'm not getting the gold star. You realized: you lose. Deal with it."
Sorry if we're being--as Ellis would say--"Empire," but it's pretty glib to address the complexities of being tortured in adolescence to a 140-character-or-less issue, and it's technological advancements like Twitter and Facebook that have only exacerbated the ways in which intimadators encroach on a person's life--advancements that, with all due respect, came long, long after Ellis's tenure in academia.
This, though, is hardly the writer's first time airing his brutal opinions online. Why, just check here, here or here for some other rays of eternal sunshine from his spotless mind.
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