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When Gay Equals Funny

What's the funniest of these (real) names? Anna Sassin? Ada Poo? Ima Gay? Pat Fenis? Well, of course the gay one, right? That's the conclusion -- and headline -- on Brit tabloid rag The Sun, in today's story about a new book of "most comical names." "Ima Gay tops weird names list," the site crows. And goes on to mention other "rib ticklers" (that's what the Brits call jokes) such as Ben Dover, Pete Sake, John Thomas Willy, and Sandy Beach.

Not that Ima Gay's totally unamusing, mind you, but it's a little depressing that the name is funny JUST because it says you're gay...

The book, Frou-Frou, Frisby and Brick, compiles 3,000 names that range from the unlucky to the contrived. Lucious Bacon would earn parents a punch in the head, but changing your birth name (George Garratt) to Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine The Hulk And The Flash Combined is a cry for help.

Previously >Brit Soap Goes Trans

LGBTQ Task ForceOut / Advocate Magazine - Jonathan Groff and Wayne Brady

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