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Why Don Lemon's Gaffes Landed Him on 'Worst Journalism' List

Why Don Lemon's Gaffes Landed Him on 'Worst Journalism' List


Columbia Journalism Review's recap of the year’s 'most cringeworthy news blunders' includes the out CNN anchor.

CNN anchor Don Lemon has made a list of the year's worst journalism, named alongside Rolling Stone's university campus rape story that fell apart. The Columbia Journalism Review's recap of the year's "most cringeworthy news blunders" included the out anchor because of a series of off-kilter moments that made headlines this year.

"Live television is exceedingly difficult to produce, of course, but Lemon's gaffes this year offer a case study in how to choose words wisely -- or not," wrote David Uberti. A few of the examples cited by Uberti:

In all seriousness, Lemon asked whether a black hole might be responsible for the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370...

When the country was debating the merits of spanking, Lemon compared it to training dogs...

What can we learn from Showtime's Homeland when interpreting what's happened in the Bowe Bergdahl story...

During an interview with a woman who accuses Bill Cosby of raping her, Lemon asked why she didn't use teeth during oral sex...

While covering protests in Ferguson, Lemon observed "Obviously, there's a smell of marijuana in the air..."

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