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Watch: God Is Gay on SNL

Watch: God Is Gay on SNL

god is a boob man

Today's sermon: YASSS KWEEN!

Saturday Night Live brilliantly satirized the likes of Kim Davis and other people of great faith and little understanding of irony with God Is a Boob Man, the tale of one woman bravely (?) fighting to prove--once and for all--that God is straight and totally cool with denying basic goods and services to gay people.

When a gay couple asks/forces small town baker Beth Walsh to bake a cake for their wedding, she decides to take a stand for religious freedom, which as we all know is just code for Bible-sanctioned bigotry. But in a world where God is (apparently) a jacked, Gaga-loving, brunch-having daddy with impeccable facial hair and gays are the most powerful force in America, does she stand a chance?

From the makers of Angel in Denim: The Kim Davis Story, check out God Is a Boob Man below:

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