Here's Chris Hemsworth Reminding You What His Muscles Look Like

In case you needed reminding....
February 15 2017 1:50 PM EST
March 12 2019 1:28 AM EST
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In case you needed reminding....
Thor may be hot but he's also the worst roommate ever. At least that's the message behind this little clip from Marvel featuring the God of Thunder and his put-upon roommate Darryl. Thor doesn't have, or believe in, human money and refuses to get a job because his job is saving the world. Fair, but how about this rent, though? And arguing with Thor is like arguing with a Trump supporter, meaning it's a large, white man yelling at you using what passes for logic in his world. Oh, knowledge is power? Wrong.
The brain is a muscle? Well, guess what, Thor's got a lot of those.
So ipso facto, quid pro quo, abracadabra, he's covered in brains because--
And this is me calling it a (hump) day.