Leslie Jordan is 4'11" of balls. The gay character actor and playwright best known for his Emmy-winning portrayal of Karen Walker's archnemesis on Will & Grace -- Beverly Leslie -- did what any other Southern belle would when confronted with brutish behavior.

At a Starbucks in the super gay Los Angeles neighborhood of West Hollywood, three antagonistic straight dudes started yelling "faggot" for no apparent reason. When a manager asked one of the men to leave, he left as discourtesouly as he arrived.
"He was screaming and pointing 'you will die fucking faggots'," eyewitness Joseph Daniels told WeHoville. "It was very scary and unexpected."
Jordan, who is reportedly a regular at that Starbucks, was having none of this and, according to Daniels, yelled at the men to "get out of my house!" Jordan followed the men outside and Daniels along with another customer went outside with him as protection.
"The guy lunged at Leslie to hit him," Daniels said. "Then Leslie threw his drink at the guy. Then (another) guy threw his drink to hit me."
Sheriff deputies responded quickly, but because of the sassy 60-year-old's caffeinated brand of justice, the three men were eventually allowed to go free:
He said deputies urged the gay men not to file charges against the others, saying that if they did the men screaming "faggots" could accuse Jordan of assault for throwing his coffee at one of them and the deputies would have to arrest Jordan. Daniels said the three men then walked away, headed east on Santa Monica and making obscene gestures to the gay men and continuing to call them "faggots."
So I think we can all take away a few lessons from this:
A. people are dicks.
B. it's probably best not to physically engage people when they're being dicks.
C. Leslie Jordan will end your life.
Les Fabian Brathwaite -- smelling of gin and regret since 1985.