The Workroom:
Following last week's elimination of noted fetus-dropper Tempest DuJour, Violet Chachki showed us all the definition of sore winner when she did the unspeakable and spoke out against America's sweetheart.

The queens were "shocked" and "appalled," though Max, as usual, had the best reaction.

Those eyebrows. That lip. That bemused terror. Real talk, Max is becoming my go-to gay for any and all responses to life's questions. He's basically what would happen if a crazy cat lady, Julie Newmar and Morrissey somehow managed to conceive a child. And that's just out of drag.

Meanwhile, Pearl is pissed that Sasha Belle had the rouged cheek to throw her under the bus when Ru asked who should pack their shit and get the fuck out. That's when the library card came out and Pearl checked out a worn copy of Oh No She Didn't.

And then Moby showed up. For some reason. When this season of Drag Race ends, he and Ru should take their act on the road.

The Mini-Challenge
The pint-sized DJ was there to help introduce this week's terrifying mini-challenge. Getting blown in the face. Hard.

Oh, Moby! So adorable, right? And then things took a dark and jowly turn.

Miss Fame finally stopped resting on pretty.

Jasmine served Sheneneh realness.

Moby almost immediately regretted this.

And in the end, Trixie...

...and Ginger won, making them team captains. The girls then chose their teammates, leaving two queens standing in the darkness of their own shade.

Violet and Kandy surely must have known why they were the last, surly girls picked.

Ah, there's that self-awareness. Though fierce, I reiterate, no one likes a cocky queen.
Very Special Moment:

Miss Fame misses her husband and talks about her difficult childhood, which brought her to tears.

And Violet shows that she indeed does have a heart beating in that frail body.
Shadiest Moment:

Seems like everyone's rushing to comfort Miss Fame, including Trixie Mattel, but Ginger Minj has a pursed lip with Trixie's name on it.
The RuVeal:

A plum choice.
The Main Stage:
This week's challenge was all over the place. The queens had to perform what appeared to be an off-off-Broadway musical about an air safety video.

On their way to an underwear convention, the two teams were already unevenly matched. The first number had a long, boring monologue that Katya understandably messed up since she probably fell asleep somewhere in the middle of it.

And then the second team came strutting out. Because this is how you make an entrance -- a tandem power strut.

With Ginger Minj leading the crusade.



This adorable pit crew member knows the score and is having the time of his life.
However, breaking from tradition, Ru decided to judge the girls not as a team, but as individuals -- so it was every queen for herself. For my money, Mrs. Kasha Davis stole the show.

Maybe this time she'll be lucky. Maybe this time she'll win.
The Runway
Category is: Jet Set Eleganza.

Katya is givving you Jackie O by way of Amber in Clueless.

Pearl in a casual bustier and transparent harem pant.

Looking for the competition. Where are they, girlfriend?

Oh, there she is.

Kennedy Janet Jackson Davenport. What have you done for me lately? This S curl.
Best Runway Read:
Michelle Visage is really owning the other judges. I mean, as usual. But little Jordin Sparks is so obviously glad to be there, that she's too busy queening out to really lay into any of the girls.

Carson and guest judge, noted legend Olivia Newton-John, are sweet, leaving Michelle to bring the sour. Oh, but her sour is so, so sweet. This week La Visage took Mrs. Kasha Minnelli Davis to task for her interpretation of "Jet Set Eleganza."

Even Mrs. Davis had to give her that one.

What time is it? A half past step your game up.
Most Improved:

Kandy shaved her beard!

Ginger Minj won in spite of her Elizabeth Taylor-inspired air wear, but mostly for rising to the challenge and leading her team to victory.

I wish her the best on Her Gay Getaway.
Life-Giving Lip Synch Moment
These bitches are wasting no time with the splits. After Kandy spread her eagle last week, Katya gave us the season's first homicide by jump split.

Katya will get off with good behavior, though. She was just doing what it took to stay alive...in this competition.

But it turns out Sasha still had some fight in her, so Katya sent an aftershock with a slow-motion split.

Delivering the final death blow while serving epic face.

You'll be missed Sasha. Pearl was especially devastated.

Parting Words:

Sasha away, Sashay. Or something like that.
Les Fabian Brathwaite, your gay getaway.