Attitude has decided to dedicate its December issue, titled the "Red Issue," to Worlds AIDS Day (Dec. 1) and it features Star Trek star Zachary Quinto on the cover looking a bit blood splattered and bruised.
In the story, Quinto explains that World AIDS Day is "utterly essential... Not just in marking the advancement, progress and fight against the diseases, but also cultivating knowledge and awareness of it for people all over the world."
According to the magazine, Quinto reveals that he's had "a couple" closeted gay stars who have asked him for advice:
"I just share my experience and say 'This is how it went down for me, this is how I feel.'
"I tell them, 'Trust that even if it means you're not as famous, or even if it means it's not exactly what you thought it would be, it's still more valuable when you're assessing your life at the end of that.' "

The issue also includes an investigative story on "chemsex," about the rising use of party drugs like crystal meth, mephedrone, and GHB. In the 18-page package, gay/bisexual men speak frankly about their own personal experience of using drugs and the devastating affect its had on both themselves and those around them.
YouTube star Tyler Oakley is also interviewed, and he talks about sex and relationship education.
Attitude's editor, Matthew Todd, says:
"Though it's unseen by the majority of gay/bisexual men, who do not use these drugs, significant numbers of men are finding themselves in distressing situations. We are absolutely not being judgmental. We know that society deems some drugs acceptable and others unacceptable and it is easy to be moralistic and hypocritical but we believe this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. I've been shocked by the numbers of deaths that I anecdotally hear about due to drugs. I'm very grateful to those men who have taken part in our feature for their bravery and honesty. People who do need help need to be met with compassion and understanding and not shamed for their drug use and they need to know that if it gets out of control that help is available from groups like Antidote by London Friend, 56 Dean Street and from Narcotics Anonymous who offer free, confidential support with some LGBT specific meetings. Throughout November, in the build up to World AIDS Day, we will be running fuller perspectives from the men in our feature and others, on our website at"

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