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A Catholic Teacher Was Let Go for Supporting LGBTQ+ Community

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The school revoked the teacher's contract after discovering pride colors in an old Facebook photo.

A Wisconsin teacher lost their job after a Catholic school rescinded their contract.

The teacher who is referred to WISC-TV as 'Sam' says that they were contracted to teach at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School. They told WISC-TV that, after starting the role, they were confronted by a senior staff member over an old Facebook cover photo with Pride colors in it.

"They asked me about that, and I was like 'I will be honest. I do support the LGBT community' And what she said then: 'That's fine. You'll have to take it down. We all have our own personal values," Sam said.

After Sam removed the photo from their Facebook profile they were approached again, by a nun at the school, who asked them about a bumper sticker on their car.

"She was like, 'Oh, do you work here?' And I was like, 'Yeah I'm going to be the new third grade teacher.' She said: 'Oh, that's great. I was walking by and I saw your bumper sticker, and it says, 'America needs nasty women.' If you're going to work here, you have to be holy.'"

Sam also removed the bumper sticker on the school's request but the school ultimately chose to revoke their job offer.

"[A staff member] said, 'We're rescinding your contract. The priest wasn't very happy with the LGBT post,'" Sam explained.

Although Sam complied with the school's request, they are now jobless.

"All teachers in a Catholic school are expected to comport themselves publicly in a way that is consistent with Church moral teachings," the school said in a statement. "Multiple clear indications emerged and were brought to the school's attention, that the teacher publicly held positions contrary to Church teachings. After consulting with the pastor, the decision was made to rescind/terminate the contract."

Sam who grew up Catholic, says that "you can still hold certain values and be part of the Catholic faith and the Catholic community, so I'm still kind of shocked that it's 2019 and this is still happening."

"To be honest, if we're looking really into the Catholic Church, the Pope has defended the LGBT community," Sam said.

Sam says that they quit their last job to take up the new one at the Church and although they find it difficult to accept that it's been taken away, they're just trying to move forward.

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