In another edition of, how do these homophobic acts keep happening?--Caffe Zia Gianna in Dorchester, Massachusetts was given a one-star rating from a customer because the establishment flew a tiny rainbow flag in the window
As Attitude also reported, the review, which has now been taken down, read:
"After seeing the rainbow flag in the window, I've had it with this place and have thrown in the towel... Well, that flag says all and when you delve deeper to see the real customer base here, it's clearly geared and catered ONLY to those who rally behind the rainbow flag. This should be considered treason against our Nation and our Italian Heritage and against Nature and should be punishable as a crime. At a time when the old country is imperiled from corruption and fading family units and going broke, here we have someone who is abandoning the sound family unit and structure. Absolutely disgusting and unacceptable."
The owner of the restaurant, Nino Barbalace, said he was disappointed when he saw the review and said it was a "personal attack." He has the rainbow flag in the window to showcase that it's a place that's welcoming to all.