Tom Daley and his Academy Award-winning husband, Dustin Lance Black, welcomed their son Robert into the world this past June.
Following his experience using a surrogate, the Olympic heartthrob is now spearheading a BBC One docu-film about surrogacy. The hour-long film will address multiple issues surrounding surrogacy, especially for same-sex couples wishing to have a child.
In a recent interview with The Telegraph, Daley continues to be an outspoken advocate for surrogacy, and has the perfect clapback for people who question his desire to use a surrogate as opposed to adopt.
Tom said, "Lots of people say, 'Why don't you adopt?' You wouldn't say that to a straight couple. You wouldn't say: 'Why do you deserve to have a biological kid?'"
It's true, straight couples wouldn't be badgered the same way, but also, let's be real, we want those Olympic genes being passed down, don't we?
In the interview, Daley also made clear that he wants his son to always have a relationship with his biological mother.