In partnership with the Daily Dot, PornHub Insights--a specialty section on porn statistics, trends and figures--presented a comprehensive and well-executed study on an all-too-familiar but still hush-hush activity: searching for gay porn. PornHub reports that a whopping 40% of all its users are American, gay or straight or in between, so the United States seemed like a good place to start.
The study, which compiled data nationwide on the frequency of visits and category of searches, was organized on a state-by-state basis. In terms of proportion of gay viewers within each state, Mississippi clocks in fourth out of all 50 states, at 3.26%.
More broadly, the study also shows some interesting facts about the Deep South, where repression has historically reigned. Compared to the northern states, this heat map shows that many states in the Southeastern U.S. have a much higher percentage of gay viewers.
What's more, the type of gay porn viewed in the South is predominantly black gay porn. Specifically, it's interesting to note that the search terms most preferred by viewers in both Mississippi and North Carolina--which can also both claim racism toward African Americans in their pasts (and present)--are "big black dick."
The study also betrays something that remains an issue for gay men--a fixation with or admiration for our straight counterparts, as evidenced by this map showing that well over half of the country searches for "straight guys."
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