Oklahoma senators are considering a bill that would let students essentially self-segregate from their transgender peers in public schools.
In response to the Obama administration's guidance requiring transgender-inclusive bathrooms in public schools, Oklahoma Sen. Brian Bingman introduced SB 1619. The bill would require schools to provide male- and female-exclusive bathrooms and changing rooms for students with "sincerely held religious beliefs."
Gender-neutral, single-occupancy are also not an alternative, the bill makes clear.
If passed, the law would take effect July 1.
The bill even goes on to declare a state of "emergency" regarding the current debate over transgender people's access to bathrooms.
"The bill isn't a commentary on transgender students," Bingman said in a news release. "This measure is about doing what's best for all students in Oklahoma schools by ensuring schools that make the decision to accommodate transgender students regarding showers and locker room facilities also accommodate students who would object to those arrangements because of their deeply held religious beliefs."