Massachusetts Senator and generally "not the one" Elizabeth Warren is just as tired as you are over this whole "alt-right"/"white nationalist" bamboozlement. While media outlets are "rethinking" how they refer to this faction of would-be fascists, Sen. Warren's calling it like she sees it. And she sees a white supremacist.
Liz Warren G had to regulate last night on Anderson Cooper 360 when Coops tried to qualify Bannon's coy tango with white supremacy over the years:
The Senator was right to point out that Trump's choices for his adminstration are harbingers of bigotry and a "real problem for the American people." Of course, this isn't the first time, and it probably won't be the last, that Warren has called out Steve Bannon for, well, being Steve Bannon. It's interesting, though, that Cooper was so quick to "challenge" Warren--I mean, there's fair and balanced journalism and then there's just kowtowing to bullshit. And in the Age of Trump, we're going to be waist-deep in it.