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There IS Such a Thing as Homophobic Pasta Sauce!
There IS Such a Thing as Homophobic Pasta Sauce!
...And 5 Other Things You Need To Know Today
September 26 2013 6:16 PM EST
February 05 2015 9:27 PM EST
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There IS Such a Thing as Homophobic Pasta Sauce!
1. Guido Barilla, CEO of the popular and very cheap Barilla Pasta line, says he will never make a commercial featuring a gay couple because his company is "traditional." "I would never do (a commercial) with a homosexual family, not for lack of respect but because we don't agree with them. Ours is a classic family where the woman plays a fundamental role," he said. So, what would Barilla say to gay activists boycotting his product? Probably not much. As he told a radio interviewer yesterday, "If they [gays] like our pasta and our message they will eat it; if they don't like it then they will not eat it, and they will eat another brand."
2. The International Olympic Committee against says it won't challenge Russia's anti-gay laws and plans on taking that government's word for it when President Putin and others say no gay or lesbian athletes will be arrested during the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.
3. Foot cream appears to have the power to kill HIV.
4. Here's the New York Times's 30-minute documentary on lesbian politico Christine Quinn's failed New York City mayoral campaign.
5. Modern Family writer Jeffrey Richman told The Hollywood Reporter "I teared up" while writing last night's gay proposal. "I really hope it's as moving to other people as it is to me."
6. It's been out for 3 weeks, but we're just now checking out Moby and Wayne Coyne's video for "The Perfect Life".
Beware of the Straightors: 'The Traitors' bros vs. the women and gays