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WATCH: 3 Of Today's Most Anti-Gay Theories

WATCH: 3 Of Today's Most Anti-Gay Theories


Three anti-gay theories, each worse than the last.

Man, oh man. It's a bad day to be gay. That is, if you believe the rants of right wing mad men. First we have Joseph Nicolosi a crusader in the "ex-gay movement," an organized group of faux doctors and general quacks who think we can pray the gay away.

According to Nicolosi, gay men and lesbian ladies and transgender people lack not the objectivity to judge "ex-gays," but the purity of soul. We have tainted ourselves by being gay, an identity for which there is no hope. "The adoption of this gay identity necessitates the abandonment of any hope that he could ever modify his unwanted feelings and develop his heterosexual potential," Nicolosi wrote in a blog post. To embrace our gayness is to "mourn the possibility" of getting over allegedly unnatural thoughts. "And it is that grieving process, that painful letting-go of one's dreams, that has biased the gay person's evaluation of the ex-gay experience," he said, according to gay Think Progress reporter Zack Ford, who's clearly biased.

Nicolosi, a relative unknown on the scene, definitely has a lot in common with American Family Association heavyweight Bryan Fischer: Fischer too claimed this week gay men are beyond help. And it makes him soooo sad. "It just saddens me to see people who are so deceived and whose lives are being wasted by falling prey to that disease," said the always vile Fischer on his radio show. "There's a sickness, there's a pathology associated with homosexual behavior. You know these are not happy people. They are not well adjusted people."

While Fischer and Nicolosi's arguments are firmly rooted in a twisted, hateful faith, Nigeria post-grad student Chibuihem Amalaha, claims to draw his homophobic arguments, that LGBT people are inorganic and deleterious, from terribly skewed and irrelevant "science."

The fact that oppositely charged magnets attract is proof that same-sex attraction is unnatural, he claims. And Amalaha also believes his argument is bolstered by the neutralizing relationship between chemically-opposite acids and bases, as well as by the fact that simple, elementary math says that A+A = A, not something new, as in A+B becoming AB. He believes all this and more validates his overarching, completely undefinable, and, yes, religion-infused theory: "Gay marriage, which is homosexuality and lesbianism, is eating deep into the fabric of our human nature all over the world and this was why nations of Sodom and Gomora were destroyed by God because they were into gay practice." How, I wonder, does one monitor and measure the fabric of human nature?

Anyway, here, via Towleroad, is video of Fischer's gross "sickness" comments:

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