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Los Angeles - Stoli

Woody Woodbeck's Blog


We recently relaunched our Friday nights with a new fun summer theme calling it SUMMER OF HYPE.

August 29, 2012

I am sitting here writing this blog in shock over the fact that the summer is pretty much over with. Well for LA, we have summer for most of the year, but you get my point. Labor Day weekend is here and LA is buzzing because one of the biggest gay dance festivals is making its debut here in LA. The AMAZING Los Angeles Festival (part of the world famous MATINEE family) is set to kick off this Friday and keep the beats going all weekend long. I am lucky enough to be apart of this incredible lineup of original creative events. The dancers are beyond gorgeous and the shows are top notch, the lineup of DJ's is insane including International DJ Hector Fonseca, DJ J.Louis, DJ Theresa, Billy Lace, Gino Santos, Justin Dawson, Nina Flowers, and LA favs Morningstar, Beau Dasher, and Derek Monteiro, and I haven't even gotten to the incredible lineup of musical acts performing including Rye Rye (who just got off tour with the Scissor Sisters), actress & singer Taryn Manning, and pop superstar Adam Lambert. So basically if you haven't gotten the drift already, if you are in LA this weekend you MUST be apart of this festival. You can get all the dish on AMAZING at

I wanted to give a quick shout out to one of the most valuable parts of my nightlife team, Ms. Rhea Litre who is heading to NYC for awhile and leaving us in LA to take over the big apple (for a bit anyways). NYC I hope you are ready for this bitches insane talent. Every single time she steps onto that show, she gives you 110% and NOBODY does it like her. NO ONE. Treat her well and send her back to us often. I love you Rhea. #Aweyeah (PS: If you haven't already, buy her new single with Drag Race Superstar WILLAM, "Let's Have a KaiKai" - it's pretty freaking amazing and the video is coming soon.)

Now I wanted to do something new and fun this week, so I sat down with my good friends Louis Verdi & Joseph Capponi, the stars of LOGO's hot new summer show, IN THE BIG HOUSE. We dished about the show, their relationship, and what they are like in bed. You know the important stuff...HA! Check it out and make sure to watch IN THE BIG HOUSE on Monday nights on LOGO!

WW: Soooo...How did you guys meet?
L: Joey and I met on Grindr. He lives like 2,000 ft from me. (laughs) It's funny because the day before he messaged me I actually showed my friend his picture and was saying how cute I thought he was. It's dumb but I always felt weird messaging someone first so of course when he messaged me and I freaked out a little in my head.
J: We met up for a milkshake. I thought Louis was so cute! He was such a gentleman.

WW: That's true gay love for ya! (laughs) What do you find most attractive about one another?
L: His smile makes me smile and that's attractive.
J: One of the many things that I love about Louis is that he is very levelheaded. He has a way of making me feel like everything is going to be okay, even in the stickiest of situations.

WW: Okay I know this is an odd question but I love asking it; If you had to compare yourself to a Muppet which one would you be and why?

L: Gonzo. Probably because he's crazy and no one knows what the f@ck he is!
J: My Muppet would probably be Zoot. We both play the sax, and seem to have a similar sense of humor.

WW: Ok, favorite song out right now?
L: I'm thinking Azealia Banks "1991".
WW: I love that bitch.
J: Well, I'm currently listening to "Intro" by The XX.

WW: What is something that inspires you?
L: Music. There is a song for every situation.
J: I get inspired in a lot of different way, and by a lot of different things. I would say my parents inspire me. They've shown me what unconditional love is, and what it feels like to have a solid support system. It's a great feeling knowing that, no matter what, they've got my back and are looking out for my best interest. Believe me, I've tested this theory MANY times, and 100% of the time they've proven it to be true.
WW: Aww that's sweet.

WW: Tell me what your definition of love is?
L: For me love is an amazing, indescribable, overwhelming feeling for someone. It's magic.
J: Love is a combination of a lot of things. For me, it's an immense closeness to another person. It is an experience. It includes the ability to recognize that other person's needs, and meet them. It requires a lot of understanding and patience on both sides. Love feels like a swift kick in the gut.

WW: Aight...Spill the T...Describe yourself in bed in one word?
L: Gay.
J: Devastating.
WW:(laughs) Thanks Lou & Joey!

August 17, 2012

Hey everyone! What a crazy few weeks it's been since my last post. I've had one event after another and one good time after another. A few weeks ago we had my OUT Magazine / STOLI Nighthawk launch event at Here Lounge which had a tremendous turnout. I got to meet so many sweet people and big supporters of my events, OUT Magazine, and even bigger supporters of STOLI drinks! HA!

We are now featuring one of my favorite bartenders in LA, Brandon MacKay, who works with me at Here Lounge on our LA Nighthawk page as well as one of my favorite DJ's, Derek Monteiro. His bio and DJ playlist are up now so make sure to check those out.

We recently relaunched our Friday nights with a new fun summer theme calling it SUMMER OF HYPE. Beach balls, rafts, palm trees, lifeguards; all inside of a club! It looks pretty awesome and boy have people been coming out to party with us every Friday. Now keep this date in mind because it's a special one; on Friday Aug 24th at SUMMER OF HYPE (at Ultra Suede/The Factory) is my birthday bash! My birthday gets bigger and better every year and always promises to be a good time. Hope to see you there.

This weekend a huge gang of us from LA are heading to Las Vegas to celebrate my business partner, Paul Nicholls' birthday, at a few different parties: Friday we are at Stripper Circus Vegas at SHARE Nightclub w/ DJ Beau Dasher (LA) and a live performance by Rhea Litre, Saturday night we are back at SHARE as DJ Pornstar comes to town with his slew of hot porn boys, and then Sunday I am back as the Special Guest DJ at the LUXOR Pool Party which I can't wait to spin at.


* 8/18 - It's THE BATHHOUSE SHOW's 1 Year Anniversary starring the darling Shawn Pelofsky & more at The Comedy Store - For tickets and performer info - www.TheBathHouseShow .com

* 8/24 - Moulin Rouge Sing-a-long in the Hollywood Forever Cemetery - 100% of funds raised go directly to GMCLA's AMP (Alive Music Program).

* 8/25 - Here comes APLA & Tom Whitman's 9th Annual Bartender Auction at The Abbey Food & Bar from 4-6 pm. Bid on the hottest bartenders in town. Winning bidders and bartenders will attend GLAMORAMA together on Friday Sept 7th.

* Labor Day Weekend: Matinee finally comes to LA with the LOS ANGELES AMAZING FESTIVAL Three days of one of a kind events that you don't wanna miss out on. Find out more info and buy your weekend passes now at -

Lastly, over the next several weeks, I am going to be featuring some of my team members in my blog. Paul and I have always said we have the best nightlife team in the WEHO, so I want to show them some love and have you guys get to know a little about them.

Until next time...Work hard. Play harder. Be safe! #Aweyeah

July 11, 2012

I can't believe it is the middle of July already and I've only been to the beach twice...I need to get out more! HA! Hope you all had an amazing 4th of July. I spent the day with friends at a pool party and then we all made our way into Boystown and partied at my club Stripper Circus at Here Lounge that night. DJ Chi Chi LaRue played an amazing set and Ryan Adames performed live. He is so freaking adorable and was great on stage. Check out his new single "Bang (feat. Chris Crocker)" on iTunes now!

No rest for the wicked for me this week! My calendar is stacked with events. Besides my three weekly events, I've started DJing for fun and this week alone I'm spinning three big events including being the Special Guest DJ on Sunday in Las Vegas at the Luxor Pool party called TEMPTATION SUNDAYS presented by QVegas and hosted by J.Son. The pool party happens every Sunday but this week it happens to be apart of FABULOUS: A GAY CELEBRATION LAS VEGAS 2012 WEEKEND! Neon Hitch, Cazwell, Sherry Vine, Jessica & Hunter, Jonny McGovern, and a talented group of DJ's headline this one of a kind festival happening July 12th - 15th. For the full lineup and info on booking a room, check out --

Also this Saturday July 14th, my boys of the IMPULSE GROUP (apart of AIDS Healthcare Foundation) are throwing their annual summer pool party, SOAKED, from 12-5 PM. This party was EVERYTHING last year and they stepped it up a notch this year. You guys should all be there. For ticket info, check out - & for info on IMPULSE, check out -

BTW, have you guys heard the new Havana Brown song "We Run The Night" featuring Pitbull?? It's my new obsession! Oh and the Olympics are right around the corner. I love watching the Olympics and after seeing pictures of the US Men's Gymnastics team; I will be GLUED to my television everyday. THEY ARE FIIIINNNEEE!

Until next time, work hard, play harder, and be safe! LOVE!

June 27, 2012

My LA Nighthawk page is up and in full summer swing. First off, my summer playlist is up on our site. I've been obsessed with music since I think I could talk. Singing and dancing as a kid, then working in radio & the music industry for almost 13 years, and now today working in nightlife with the best DJ's in the business. So if you wanna see what you should be blaring from your iPad this summer, check it out. We also just added some pictures from a few of my LA Gay Pride events; HOT, HOT, HOT!

This past Saturday I was honored and lucky enough to host Shawn Pelofsky's THE BATHHOUSE SHOW: GAY PRIDE SPECIAL at the legendary Comedy Store! The stage at the Comedy Store has seen every major comedian in the business as they started their career so to be able to stand on the same stage that they once stood on was an opportunity of a lifetime. Shawn Pelofsky, Tammy Jo Dearen, Jessica & Hunter, Tony Tripoli, Amy Snowden all KILLED it and had the audience rolling. The Bathhouse Show happens once a month at The Comedy Store and you can get all the details at www.TheBathHouseShow. com.

SPLASH BASH is back this Sunday July 1st in the parking lot behind Eleven Nightclub in West Hollywood. SPLASH BASH brings that 'party in your backyard' type feel to our own gay backyard of Weho! The party is from 2-7 pm and benefits the IMPULSE GROUP! Admission is $10 but the first 50 people this week get in FREE! You can also get tested in one of AHF's testing trucks out front and get in for free as well.

Others events coming up:

Miss Coco Peru in a one night only event at the Art Theater in Long Beach on Saturday June 30th, APLA's ART PROJECT LOS ANGELES is this weekend, June 29th - July 1st, details on that are available at, and spend 4th of July with us at Stripper Circus at Here Lounge with DJ Chi Chi LaRue and a live performance by Ryan Adames.

So much to do! So much to see! So much fun to be had! Let's get this party started ya'll and have an amazing weekend party people!

PS: Make sure you guys check out the new Andrew Christian Underwear video "Jockstrap Cowboys" - IT'S HOT!

The Hottest California Boys Kickoff Summer from Andrew Christian on Vimeo.

June 13, 2012

WOW! The LA Pride madness is over and what a week it was. Many thanks to everyone who came to all of my events over the course of the week and to those of you who showed their support by attending the LA Pride festival and the parade. Congrats to the team at CSW (Christopher Street West) who did an outstanding job with the festival this year; hands down one of the best by far that I've ever attended.

One of the things I fell in love with about LA is how we just keep going and going, one week to the next, the parties are non-stop. Nightlife here is so active and vibrant and there is always something new going on that keeps our scene ever evolving. I'm just one of the promoters in town who keep help changing the nightlife game on a weekly basis and keeps everyone on their toes. The great thing about LA gay nightlife is that there literally is something for everyone. No matter what tickles your fancy (did I really just say that?), you will always be able to find somewhere to party in LA.

Honestly it couldn't be more perfect in LA right now. The weather is gorgeous, the sun is hot, and the boys are hotter. Which in LA means one thing: Summer pool party season is in full effect. Let the starving yourself begin (if it hasn't already)...I'm kidding, I'm kidding! This Saturday, I'm proud to be one of the hosts for the annual YPC pool party called POOLWATCH benefiting the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center w/ DJ Ryan Kenney (who I adore). If you are interested in attending, there are still some tickets left! You can visit: to purchase them.

So much more coming up in LA including me hosting The Bathhouse Show at The Comedy Store next weekend, LA's Gay and Lesbian Film Festival OUTFEST, and the 4th of July is right around the corner.

I wanna hear from you! Email me at or Tweet me: @Hollywoody if there's an event you want me to mention to our readers. Until next time...Live, Love, and Inspire!

June 1, 2012

WHAT'S UP PARTY PEOPLE? I am so excited about being the new LA Nighthawk and teaming up with Stoli & OUT. Let me introduce myself, my name is Woody Woodbeck (yes, really) and I am one of LA's premiere Gay promoters. As I write this blog, it's LA Pride week and I am in the midst of a slue of events and ready to deliver only the best for all of you here in LA celebrating PRIDE! Honestly, though Pride season is so crazy for me, it's one of my favorite times of year. The LGBT community and our straight allies come together in a way that is truly magical and with each passing year, we see more and more acceptance and less and less resistance to our community. We're gay, We're proud; Get into it! So if you happen to be in LA this weekend, you can check out my LA Pride Guide on my website.

For those of you that want to know a little bit more about me besides the fact that I throw parties, I LOVE pop culture and music. I am a tad bit obsessed with Mariah Carey; yes I am a hardcore LAMB (her real fans will know what that means) and have been in the fan club for multiple years; too many to name without being embarrassed...HA! I also have three college degrees; culinary arts, Radio & Journalism Broadcasting, and Film & TV. I am also a hopeless romantic, a Virgo, and one of the biggest Buffy The Vampire Slayers...ever. How can you not love her? Anyways, I look forward to being the best NIGHTHAWK I can be. Get ready for this party rollercoaster...LETSSGGOOO!

You can email me anytime at: Or follow me on Twitter at:

The Pride Store HalloweenOut / Advocate Magazine - Jonathan Groff and Wayne Brady

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Woody Woodbeck