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Model Citizen


Agency: Next Models Miami

Birth date: July 4
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Hometown: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Boxers, briefs, or commando? Boxers
Any particular color or brand? White
What is your favorite flavor ice cream? All of them -- I like all ice creams.
What is your greatest fear in life Something happening to my family -- you know, you never know.
Do you have siblings? I have two sisters -- Im the middle. Im the guy of the house.
Do you play any sports? Soccer and foot volley
Do you have a favorite soccer team? Vasca -- in Brazil
What are your post-modeling plans? Save money to do some business after -- I want to have a family and have money.
Do you have a favorite fashion designer? I like surf clothes -- Quicksilver.
What is your favorite movie?Gladiator
In a fight to the death, who would come out alive, Madonna or Michael Jackson? Madonna -- she is stronger.
Angelina Jolie or Victoria Beckham? Angelina. She is not as fake as Victoria Beckham and she is beautiful.
The Pride Store HalloweenOut / Advocate Magazine - Jonathan Groff and Wayne Brady

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