Photography by Greg Reynolds
Photographer Greg Reynolds wants to share his visions of the late-'70s and early-'80s as he experienced them through the literal lens of a closeted gay man entrenched in an evangelical Christian lifestyle -- and he's asking for help in the form of a Kickstarter campaign.
Born to a Southern Baptist family in Kentucky, Reynolds spent his twenties as a youth minister for an organization that had chapters at secular colleges and universities across the country. He helped counsel other young Christians in their faith, went on mission trips overseas and even preached on the balmy beaches of Ft. Lauderdale during Spring Break, all while living his own life as a closeted gay man.
Reynolds dubbed this time period the "Jesus Days" and his photobook, which he says "captures evangelical student life at the end of the 70s and early 80s," shares the same name. Reynolds admits that the photos, which he christens his first artistic body of work, express all the longings and wishes he had at the time but couldn't put into words.
The book depicts a range of subjects from friends at the beach, people walking into church, social gatherings, beach volleyball and more.

A Canadian publisher is already interested in helping Reynolds print his book, and applauds its unique perspective. Supporters of the Kickstarter campaign will have their names appear in an acknowledgements section of the book and can receive signed copies of the book and prints of specific photos that will be featured. He has 21 days to reach his goal of $9,000 before the campaign comes to a close on June 20.