1. Looks like you and the POTUS have the same weekend plans.
2. Kylie Minogue played a surprise show last night in an east London pub. Minogue played Shoreditch's The Old Blue Last and surprised the crowd when she came on stage. Patrons were enjoying a Kylie themed evening complete with Kylie Karoke and Bingo when Kylie herself showed up and played a set.
3. CHVRCHES continue their covers crusiade with a cover of the Arctic Monkey's "Do I Wanna Know?" It's on par with their epic Janelle Monae "Tightrope" cover and their amazing"Bela Lugosi's Dead" cover, but can come nowhere near their game changing "It's Not Right, But It's Okay."
4. Dale Hansen, the Dallas sportscaster who put the NFL on blast for their homophobia regarding Michael Sam's coming out, went on Ellen to discuss his broadcast heard round the internet. It is brilliant and he is so adorable.
5. Speaking of Michael Sam, The Onion headline, "NFL Camera Operators Prepare For Challenging Year Of Avoiding Offensive Michael Sam Signs," is tragically on point.
6. Because today's Valentine's Day, here's Buzzfeed's "The Eight Types Of Guys I've Dated." To make this a fun game, take a shot for each type of guy you've dated and then reevaluate your choices.