A familiar face stared up on a Mexican street.
August 23 2013 3:42 PM EST
February 05 2015 9:27 PM EST
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The Out team stayed at the W Hotel our first few nights in Mexico City. That hotel is in Polanco, an upscale neighborhood slightly west of the capital city's center, and it was there, after strolling through the nearby Lincoln Park, with its bird sanctuary and reflecting pools, and rambling down roads named after famous, mostly European authors and thinkers -- Oscar Wilde, Ibsen, and Tennyson, for example -- and past outdoor cafes both ritzy and casual, that I saw Neil Patrick Harris smiling on the cover of Polanquito, Polanco's local magazine.
The quote, in case you can't read sideways or don't know NPH's How I Met Your Mother catchphrase, reads, "When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead." That's advice that's sound in any language, though I'm happy it was in English porque hablo mal espanol.