Penguins: Gay Rights Superstars

First marriage, now adoption. These two lovebirds are the gay trailblazers of the animal world.
December 06 2011 2:51 PM EST
February 05 2015 9:27 PM EST
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Why are penguins so inclined to same-sex feather ruffling? The list of gay bird couples includes Roy and Silo of the Central Park Zoo, Buddy and Pedro at the Toronto Zoo, and now this tuxedoed twosome, who reside in Harbin Polarland Zoo in northern China.
They were married in early 2009 (one in a bowtie, the other in a blouse), and after several attempts at eggnapping from nearby momma penguins, they were finally given a chick of their own to foster: the mother had twins, and was feeling overworked. Unlike some species, penguins parents share the duties of incubating and raising their young, so these two daddies should have no trouble rearing their adoptive chick.
The People's Republic of China doesn't recognize same-sex marriage or adoption - but when you live in a zoo, anything goes.