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Drag Race Recap: Roasting is Fundamental

Drag Race Recap: Roasting is Fundamental

Farrah Moan Alexis Michelle
Photo Courtesy of VH1

On this week's episode, the queens got shadier than ever.

RuPaul's Drag Race is never lacking in shade, but this week, Ru and the remaining queens turned up the heat and roasted Michelle Visage. Spoiler alert: there were a lot of jokes about her being a botox-riddled slut--just the way we like her.

Before the roast was every season's most highly anticipated mini-challenge. Yes darling, the library was open because reading is what? Fundamental! This season's reading challenge felt a bit lackluster, but there were a few good barbs:

Sasha Velour: "Shea Coulee, you remind me of my favorite movies. Your fashion: coming to America. And your smile: Jurassic Park."

Trinity Taylor: "Farrah, you really are the social media queen. Too bad you can't get a filter for that personality."

Nina Bo'nina Brown: "Alexis, you're like a BMW: body made wrong."

Valentina was the challenge winner--and at this point, can we just give her the crown already?--and her prize was vacation to Palm Springs and the responsibility of selecting the running order for a RuPaul Roast... of Michelle Visage. Valentina smartly placed herself towards the middle and gave Alexis the task of closing the show. When Ru returned to the workroom to check on the queens' progress, Alexis voiced her displeasure that some of her sisters had come for her body in their reads. Girl, you're a drag queen being read by other drag queens, get over it!

At the roast, Michelle feigned surprise that she'd be this year's target and, one by one, the ladies stepped up to the podium and did their best:

Shea Coulee: "Welcome to the second annual RuPaul's Roast. This year we are really switching it up: instead of roasting RuPaul, we are going to roast a man of true charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent...unfortunately he was unavailable, so its going to be Michelle Visage.

Sasha Velour: "Michelle Visage is so Jersey she calls her pubic hair the Garden State Expressway...and lets not even get started on the Holland Tunnel."

Peppermint: "Michelle Visage, not since Destiny's Child has a Michelle become so famous for riding somebody else's coattails."

Peppermint, Sasha and Shea wound up in the episode's top three, with Farrah, Trinity and Alexis in the bottom. While some of us were hoping for a double elimination, Alexis was saved and Farrah packed up the 50 pounds of highlighter she'd brought with her and headed home to Vegas.

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