Sometimes we struggle to distinguish the actual religious sources from our quasi-religious deities.
Measure your devotion to all things Sinead or Solomon with each of the following lines:
1) As an apple tree among the trees of the woods / So is my lover among men / I delight to rest in his shadow / And his fruit is sweet to my mouth.
2) My apple tree my brightness / Its time we were together / For I smell of the earth / And am worn by the weather.
3) I have water for my journey / I have bread and I have wine / No longer will I be hungry / For the bread of life is mine.
4) I am a wall / And my breasts are like towers / So now in his eyes I have become / One to be welcomed.
(Go to the next page for the correct answers...)
1. Song of Solomon 2:3; 2. Sinad OConnor, I Am Stretched On Your Grave; 3. Sinad OConnor, I Do Not Want What I Havent Got; 4. Song of Solomon 8:10
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