A sexy crop of new videos by Israeli singers eagerly traded around YouTube gives the impression that the country has turned into a nonstop discotheque -- circa 1970. One by Jonathan Gatro sports
retrosexual pornstache studs and Showtime-level shenanigans, including sex in an ocean-side shower (why choose one or the other when you can have both?).
In another,
Gatro croons from a VIP booth as one hot guy steals another out of the arms of a girlfriend and into a steamy tango across a crowded club. So other than a lack of puritan ethics, whats to account for the scorching double standard? Are Israeli guys just hotter?
In comparison, Ivri Lider, whose English-language single
Jesse is PG-rated -- if still evocative and sweetly sexy -- credits the diverse social and ethnic background of his homelands hunks. Personally, I care more for American men, Lider says, and has one to prove it. My American boyfriend says Israeli men are hot because theres nothing cuter than hearing a sexy accent.