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10 Questions With Drag Legend Stephanie Stone

10 Questions With Drag Legend Stephanie Stone

10 Questions With Stephanie Stone
Photography: Project Drag

We turn the tables on the NYC club fixture.

New York City drag queen and club fixture Stephanie Stone 10-question Q&A's have become a Facebook favorite, allowing followers a chance to experience just what it's like to gab with Stone at parties around Manhattan.

It seemed only fair to turn the tables on Stone and ask a few questions of our own.

1. What's your least favorite part of getting into drag?
Lashes are like surviving fear factor every time.

2. Go-to cocktail?
Vodka tonic.

3. What's the most wild night out you've ever had?
Ended up in a limo with an underwear king and a famous embroiderer.

4. Favorite place in the world?

5. Who is the most overrated celebrity?
People like overrated things, let's leave it at that.

6. Who is the most underrated celebrity?
Noel Fisher is a star, he did a couple Law & Orders and is on Shameless. Range for days.

7. Cats or dogs?
Both for different reasons.

8. Born This Way or ARTPOP?
Born This Way.

9. Michael or Janet?
Both for different reasons.

10. Are you a Jack or a Karen?
"On my knees in Belize, on my back in Iraq." Forever Karen.

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