A new darkly comedic web series called Let Me Die A Nun launched today, starring former OUT100 honoree Hari Nef. The show follows a nun, played by stand-up comic Ana Fabrega, who realizes she's gay and sees her world turned upside down.
Related | OUT100: Hari Nef
"We're all very familiar with coming out narratives in LGBTQ cinema, and they're not necessarily the most stirring of genres," writer/director Sarah Salovaara told IndieWire. "So I wanted to look at it in a heightened context like the church, where the realization that you are gay alters the entire course of your life."
The series premiered at Brooklyn's Secret Project Robot in on August 3, and is available for streaming online today. Nef and Fabrega are joined in the cast by Carl Kranz, who plays a stalker, as well as Brian Richardson, Eleanore Pienta, Susan Varon and Zia Anger.
Watch the trailer, below, and check out the full six-part series, here.