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This Awesome Dad Will Be the Anna to His Young Son’s Elsa This Halloween

This Awesome Dad Will Be the Anna to His Young Son’s Elsa This Halloween

Caiden Henson

An adorable toddler and his two parents are saying 'Let It Go' to gender roles this Halloween.

Two Virginia parents do not have time to deal with traditional, oppressive gender roles, as evidenced in the fabulous dress their 3-year-old son picked out for Halloween.

A Facebook photo from Chesapeake residents Paul Henson and Ashley Ramage showing their son Caiden trying on a Halloween costume is going viral, quickly lighting up social, local and national media -- but not for the reasons you would think. Instead of trying on a superhero or monster costume like most boys his age, Caiden is dressed up as Princess Elsa (from the hit animated Disney film Frozen), clearly possessing the attitude required of an enchanted snow queen.

According to the Huffington Post, Henson and Ramage let Caiden pick any costume he wanted for Halloween, regardless of whether or not it was "for" a boy or girl, and that he has always had a special love for Princess Elsa, his favorite cartoon character.

"As children get older, they distance themselves from their parents. Why start that split sooner than they need to?" Henson told HuffPost. "It's important for children to know that their parents will stand by them no matter what. Ashley and I will do whatever it takes to keep our son happy and not take his innocence and imagination from him."

In his original Facebook status, Henson also said Caiden wants him to dress like Elsa's sister in Frozen, Anna.

"Game on," the father wrote of his reaction to his son's request. "Keep your masculine bullshit and slutty kids costumes, Halloween is about children pretending to be their favorite characters."

"I want other parents to realize that gender stereotypes are taught and learned behaviors," Ramage added to HuffPost. "At 3 years old, kids are still developing, exploring and discovering. As parents we shouldn't discourage their individuality."

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Raffy Ermac

Raffy is a Los Angeles-based writer, editor, video creator, and critic.

Raffy is a Los Angeles-based writer, editor, video creator, and critic.