She's a force to be reckoned with and a pioneer with her vivid music and avant-garde videos. That's how we'd define the wonder that is transgressive queer singer CHRISTEENE--who is back with her new album, Basura, out today.
In preparation for the release, we sat down with the performer to chat inspiration, what makes this album different from the rest, and what we can all expect from this unique album.
Continue on for our exclusive with CHRISTEENE. (And note that we kept the format to align with her artistic sensibility and vibe.)
OUT: You're a trailblazing artist that pushes boundaries with an all-inclusive queer vision. What makes you different than any other artist out there?
CHRISTEENE: Wellll furst i wanna say thank u ferr takin sum time too chit chat wit mee. Trails have indeed been fukkin blazin an i owe da heat uh them fires too a lot uh fukkin fine peeple who have held my hand an my holes all da way to where i am now. diz shit dont happen on its own u know. i crave da differences betweeen us artists an fukk we better be different from each other or diz bullshit gonna get realll old an boring realll quick. what makes mee different? fukkin everything i reckon. i dont think im like other humans in diz realm. i dont know wherr i come from. i aint got much of a backstory for yall too try an dissect an compartmentalize. i absorb yallz mad shit in diz wurld an it takes over mee. if im tryin to convey something well shit i reckon it is to make a noise dat will wake u tha fukk up. to make a room dat u aint been in before wit folks around u that u aint regularly around much in your own time. to create uh hot sweaty force dat will take u in, let u let loose be it ur joy or fear or pain or sexual needs or confusion allllll da buffet of ur mind an body i want u to bring it to mee an i want my message too be da therr is a place for u in my storm...unless u one of the fukks out therr tryin to take creative storms and outsiders down...then u gonna enter at ur own risk an i wont be responsible ferr how u cum out.
Tell us about the inspiration behind this album.
CHRISTEENE: u know when jason voorhees went up in outer fukkin space? well i thought, i wanna go to outer space too. i wanna get da fukk out into some new realms an soundscapes. i long to realize da new an strange sounds in my head. i listen carefullly to da bird in my throat. an i doo my fukkin best to find da right people who are gunna make them threads cum together. derr wasnt like an inspiration ferr diz album. dat idea of inspiration soundz strange too me. derr was a desire to sit an collect things in a basket alll at once. my first album, waste up kneez down, wuz a collection of songs dat i made from da start allll with long lengths of creative time in between them. i wasnt in hawt pursuit of havin an album. i was reallly enjoyin gettin da newborn sounds out of mee all like an ugly baybee takin its first steps. da music videos wit PJ Raval an da different amazin producers all made dat happen naturally an beautifully. So diz time around i wanted too see what it would feel like to make da songs or da collection if u will all in da same frame of time. well...two years time but wit da intention of makin a 'kit' of sorts. dats whut a group of pigeons is called. a kit. did u know dat? i wanted to spend time wit Peter Stopschinski my main producer in his studio an realllly listen too da movements an understand them an laugh an dig deep into a larger array of emotions an feelings dat i had obtained over tha past years of touring an traveling in diz fukked up wurld.

What can fans expect from this album that's different from your last?
CHRISTEENE: Everythinnng!! haaaaaa i mean im still da same ol fine azz piece uh dirty raccoon yall been gettin ta know deez past years but fukk mee im so stanked too take yall on diz uhmaaayzin new ride. So much goin on in diz collection dat i fukkin luv. i dug into sum hawt ass arrangements of instruments dat i never touched before. i got choirs screamin from da depths of where i dunno! i got my cat tickles pickles singin wit me on it! an every kinda fukkin 'genre' as yall call it dat diz hole could handle. iz called BASURA because da trash is where we all meet every day an where we all throw a piece of ourselves away every day an forget about. im here ta collect allll dat treasure yall throwin away, im here ta cook it up. im here ta serve it right back to u. Diz album is da buffet of ur lives.
Favorite track on the album?
CHRISTEENE: dont u fukkin go makin me sophies choice mah baybeez! but if i had tooo ... i would say dat BUTT MUSCLE gives mee LIFE.
Order CHRISTEENE's album here and check it out on Spotify below.
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