Out Exclusives
Call for Submissions: What Was Your First Pride Experience?

We want to read and publish your essays.
June 10 2016 11:34 AM EST
June 10 2016 11:34 AM EST
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We want to read and publish your essays.
We've launched a channel on Out.com called #FirstTime, a personal-essay platform for you to share your stories and connect with our readers. We hope these essays will inspire and challenge, open our eyes to each other's experiences and bring us together. Twice per month we will be posting a prompt for you to think about, write about, and then send our way. Chosen essays will be published on Out.com.
The current prompt...
What was your first Pride experience?
1. Interpret the question anyway you want (we love creativity!), but just make sure your final essay is under 1,000 words.
2. Email your essay as an attachment to editorial@grandeditorial.com with the subject line #FirstTime.
3. Write in the body of the email a few lines about who you are. If you'd prefer to remain anonymous, please note that and we will never reveal your identity.
4. Please send in your essays no later than Monday, June 20. The sooner you submit, the better your odds. Good luck and get writing!