While Trump supporters were doing cartwheels around the very spacious National Mall during Friday's inauguration, protesters were getting riled up to voice their concerns and their general displeasure with the incoming administration.
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Hoping to celebrate the impending re-greatening of America, former North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory found himself in a familiar position--dodging reality--when some folks confronted him over his support for HB 2, the controversial "bathroom" bill that was the nail in the coffin of McCrory's governorship.
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McCrory and noted Fox News goiter Lou Dobbs were hounded by protesters shouting "shame on you!"and "anti-gay bigot!" because, presumably, Septa Unella was busy resting up her bell-ringing arm for the next four years of Trump shenanigans.
The police, however, were able to swoop in just in time to save McCrory and Dobbs from being shamed to death. Ricky Diaz, a spokesman for McCrory, had this to say about the incident, via the Charlotte Observer:
"It's regrettable that up to a few dozen protesters decided to stalk and shout insults at the governor and police when we should all be listening to each other and coming together as a country in a respectful manner. Governor McCrory is thankful to Lou Dobbs for helping during this incident, and very thankful to the D.C. police for keeping everyone safe during a very successful inaugural weekend."
If there's one thing you can always depend on it's a GOP spokesperson deflecting blame and shame from its rightful place (hint: the mirror)--well, that, and touting the "success" of the inauguration.
In further response to the stalk-and-shout, State Sen. Dan Bishop plans to introduce legislation to "make it a crime to threaten, intimidate, or retaliate against a present or former North Carolina official in the course of, or on account of, the performance of his or her duties."
Bishop claims that "lines have been crossed," though he's forgotten a few lines from something he should really take another look at, namely, the Constitution which guarantees the protesters' freedom of speech and peaceful assembly. And last I checked, some queens chanting "shame" is hardly cause for a police state.
Still, maybe the protesters were too overzealous, but this is Trump's America now; which is the same as Obama's America except we've all stopped pretending not to hate each other--#MakeAmericaHateAgain!
Check out the McCrory-Dobbs Walk of Shame(tm) below: