Think about the last person you would want to hear weighing in on you the transgender bathroom debate our country is embroiled in. Now remember that Ann Coulter exists.
On a recent episode of Real Time with Bill Maher Ann Coulter faced off with columnist Dan Savage, armed with the same, tired argument that allowing individuals to use restrooms correlating with their gender (rather than biological sex) creates potential for predators to fake being transgender to gain access to restrooms. "That's bullshit," said Savage, "a child molester doesn't need to put on a dress to enter a bathroom."
Savage preceded the statement by arguing that naysayers like the GOP are reading from the same script they did 40 years ago when they argued gay men were inherently dangerous to children and that politicians can no longer demagogue against gays because too many of them are out. Watch below.
Beware of the Straightors: 'The Traitors' bros vs. the women and gays